Ace that Character Analysis Essay! | More Tips from Experts

Ace that Character Analysis Essay! | More Tips from Experts

Literature Case Study

Published 11-21-2023


Ace that Character Analysis Essay

Ace that Character Analysis Essay! | More Tips from Experts

In our previous blog post, we discussed how to ace that character analysis essay with the help of Literary Owls’ night owls. Specifically, we defined a character analysis essay, the purpose of writing a character analysis essay, different types of characters (including major such as protagonists and antagonists, and minor characters), how to write a character analysis, writing a good character analysis, how to start writing a good character analysis and selecting a character for your character analysis essay, among others.

In this post, our night owls have compiled additional information on how to ace that character analysis essay by choosing the main idea for your character analysis paper, writing a thesis statement for your character analysis essay, questions to consider while analyzing characters, and developing a character analysis essay outline, among others.

Choosing the main ideaAce that Character Analysis Essay

As stated in our previous post, take notes while reading the book and, while at it, ensure that you keep track of your notes. It is important that you analyze various ideas and select one that you feel represents your character of choice better. Afterward, look for patterns and formulate a thesis statement that will be supported by evidence in the form of situations and examples that involve the character in the story.

Take for instance the character of Jem Finch from Harper Lee’s from “To Kill a Mockingbird.’ In a character analysis post published by CliffsNotes, we learn that the main idea in this context would be how his personality was influenced by social inequalities and racial conflicts that were exacerbated by a clash between what is right, conventional wisdom and his personal points of view.

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Character Analysis essay: Writing a Thesis Statement

According to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Writing Center, a thesis statement is a sentence that states directly the writer’s point of view on the topic and functions as the summary of the argument that will be made in the rest of the paper.

As such, the kind of thesis statement that you formulate ought to clearly highlight the main points that you will make about your select-character as well as the conclusion you arrive at while writing a character analysis paper. It is not necessary that you describe every detail that you will cover but, it should communicate the general idea that will be covered in the character analysis paper.

A typical example of a thesis statement on Harry Potter is as follows;

“One discovers a multifaceted protagonist whose journey from a reluctant, orphaned wizard to a courageous and self-sacrificing leader serves as a compelling exploration of identity, friendship, and the enduring struggle between good and evil in the magical world in analyzing the character of Harry Potter”

Questions to guide your Character Analysis

Literary Owls has compiled a list of questions to guide you on how to address the concerns that you may still have even after noting down the main ideas about your character:

  • What is the background of your select character?
  • Which is the most notable transformation undergone by your select character in the story?
  • What is the location of the critical events that involve your select character?
  • How is your character connected to other notable characters in the story?
  • What does your select character do for a living?
  • Which types of emotions influence the character’s discourse?
  • Which values does your character espouse?
  • Which important lesson does the character learn eventually?
  • What value does the character bring to the plot?
  • Who are the friends of you select character?
  • Are the character’s self-set goals attained in the long-run?

Create an outline for your Character Analysis Essay

Are you uncertain on how to develop a comprehensive summary of your select character? If you are in such a situation, keep in mind that writing an eye-catching character analysis essay outline is an important step.

When constructed well, an outline will help you arrange your ideas and thoughts flawlessly. A good hook that is complimented by a well-thought out thesis statement works wonders.

Introduction of your character analysis paper

While writing your character analysis paper, remember to keep its introduction not only brief but also meaningful. It explains the topic, prepares audience for the rest of the paper, holds the paper together and arouses the audience’s interest.

For your character analysis essay, however, remember to briefly describe your select character and include a thesis statement that makes a case for relevance within the plot.

Body of your Character Analysis Essay

There a few pointers to remember while writing the body of your character analysis essay.

First, varying ideas and thoughts about a character should be explored in own paragraphs. As stated earlier, always refer to the requirements or rubric provided by the instructor in order to include all of them.

Secondly, our night owls have compiled a list of questions to guide you in formulating the character analysis. Please find them below;

  • What is the background, personality traits and/or physical appearance of the character?
  • Which conflicts are experienced by the character? How do they maneuver through them?
  • What takeaways can be learnt from the character?
  • What actions does the character take?
  • What are the forces or motives behind the actions taken by the character?
  • Does the character treat others justly or fairly or not?
  • What is the character’s choice of words? What does he/she say? Is his/her vocabulary rich?
  • How is the character described by others and how does he/she describe themselves?

To illustrate better what we imply by the pointers above, let us consider the following outline of a two-paragraphed character analysis essay body;

Paragraph One: Background Information, Journey and Challenges

● Begin with a topic sentence introducing the paragraph.

● Paint a clear picture of the select character (in term of appearance, distinguishing characteristics and relationships, among others).

● Outline their journeys and the challenges they face in the plot.

● End with a transition sentence that leads to the following paragraph.

Body paragraph Two: Takeaways from Character

● Commence with an eye-catching topic sentence.

● Highlight the character’s importance as well as the lessons learnt from them.

● Finalize the paragraph with a transition sentence that leads to the concluding paragraph.

Conclusion of the Character Analysis Essay

In this post, we have explored how select the main idea for your character analysis paper, how to write a thesis statement for your character analysis essay, some of the questions to consider while analyzing characters, and developing a character analysis essay outline, among others. Now is the time to hone your skills on how craft a perfect conclusion of your character analysis essay.

The ending of your character analysis essay, or any other paper for that matter, ought to hold your main ideas together and lead into a final statement. When writing a character analysis essay, however, include aspects such as the conflicts faced by the character and could be experienced by the reader in their daily life. Also, highlight how your select character could have acted differently in some instance in the plot.

We can Write that Character Analysis Essay for You! 

So far, you have learnt what a character analysis is and you are definitely considering a given character on whom to write. Should you be in a tight place where you find yourself asking “who will write my assignment for me?”, do not hesitate to contact us through  live chat, Text, WhatsApp, Telegram or email. Ace that character analysis essay!

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